If you wish to join the Chiltinas please Contact Martin Henshaw at martin_h@email.com or John McKenzie at john.mckenzie8@gmail.com for further details.
The subscription for full membership is currently £30.00 per annum (excluding cream teas). If you are only able to join the Group at Maulden Church Hall, Bedfordshire MK45 2AU on an irregular basis you can “Pay as you go” at £3.00 a visit to cover use of the hall and a £2.00 for a cream tea if taken. Your first visit will be free of any charges.
There is a Zoom only membership option at £5.00 per year for those who would like to participate in meetings but live too far away to come to the hall.
Payment should be made by BACS transfer to the Chiltinas A/C giving your name in the reference field or by cheque made out to the Chiltinas.
Bank account details are held in the private area of the website so you will need to contact Martin or John for the password to gain access.